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» News » Facebook Visits And Check Ins At Lowest Price

Facebook Visits & Check-ins at Lowest Price

buy facebook visits and check-ins

Facebook check-ins is a location based service that lets your visitors to share where they are with people in their social network. Once they mention you (Name of our fan page) in their status, facebook considers that person visited your place. Consequently, your fan page shows 1 people visited on your fan page. This number keeps on increasing as more people mention you in their statuses.
Take an example of you visiting Ohio Stadium. When you put your status that "Having fun at Ohio Stadium", the number of visits shown on the fan page of Ohio Stadium will be increased by 1.
You don't have to invite thousands of people at your place to increase your page visits. We have made this process easy for you. We have launched a service that helps you increasing your visit count. This is an opportunity to build up a trust factor among people by claiming popularity of your business by showing that a large number of people visited your place.
A limited introductory discount of 75% is being offered on all Facebook Page visits (Check-ins) packages. CLICK HERE to explore the packages & order the one that suit your needs.